I’m going to just go out here and say I am terrible at
written introductions, so if you’d like to humour me for a moment imagine that I have just approached you,
shaken your hand firmly and said “Hi nice to meet you, my name’s Sarah Wright”and then disappeared into the night.
Awesome. Now that that’s out of the way, let the rambling commence.
Putting in a bit more background to this blog, my name is
Sarah Wright and I’ve recently enrolled in the Game Art Design course at De
Montfort University in Leicester. I come from a small town in Suffolk which I
have lived in all of my life. I love creating and designing and telling stories,
that’s why I applied for game design and that’s what keeps me doing what I’m
doing right now because I could not imagine myself doing anything else. I’m coming into this course from a fine art
and product design background; neither of those required 3D modelling. This
course is around 40% 3D modelling, so that’s going to be a learning curve and a
half (I am currently working on my first assignment Dalek_model_5, so stay
tuned for that.) I’m not sure what’s going to happen during the coming weeks, months
and years here just that they’re going to happen, so let’s do this, and let’s
do this well.
To wrap things up I’m going to talk about the name of this
blog, because I feel like some explanation is needed. Before I left home I
talked to my Granddad over the phone about my course, and being nervous about
moving away. The first thing he did was put things into perspective for me. He
and my grandmother moved all the way from Jamaica to England so my father (and
eventually I) could be born here. I’ve moved 2 ½ hours from home. So perspective.
He also told me that everyone on this earth is on a journey. We are all also
pushing a rock in front of us, some may be ahead of you, some behind, some
could have taken the left path instead of going straight ahead, but we all have
the same rock. Our destinations aren't the same (if we even have them), or our paths, or who we travel
with. It’s just the rock. And I like that way of thinking, rather than look at
those in front and think they’re carrying a smaller rock, and that’s the reason
for their success, it’s still the same rock, and if they can get where they are
with their rock, I can get there with mine. Hence the name of this blog, as the
next three years is going to be one hell of a push.